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I'm not sure which part of a snowy day our daughter likes more, playing in the snow or the mug of hot chocolate she gets when she comes inside. Because this is a part of our winter fun, we wanted to turn it into a winter craft for kids. This hot chocolate craft is incredibly easy to do (especially with our provided mug template) and the best part is that your child gets to paint with real chocolate syrup! As a warning, it is almost impossible to do this cute winter craft without making a real mug of hot chocolate or at the very least a glass of chocolate milk.
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Print our mug template and cut it out. Trace it onto a piece of cardboard and cut that out. Paint the mug any color you would like and set aside to dry.


When dry, Draw a semi-circle at the top of the mug. This is where you will paint in the chocolate. Have your child decorate the rest of the mug using stickers or markers.


Paint on a heavy layer of chocolate syrup at the top of the mug. We found that a dabbing motion made the smoothest effect.


While the chocolate is still wet, add the pom-poms to it (no need for glue).